Take your professional journey a step further

February 17, 2023

Take a step further into your career journey

If you can dream of your perfect job, you can achieve your perfect job. Furthering your education and getting your qualification can bring you closer to your goals. 

Mastering what you do is about being willing to learn as much as you can about your trade. There are plenty of opportunities and spaces if you are determined to learn. To find these spaces one needs to research, and look for opportunities that best suit your closing needs. A lot of thought goes into making a decision about your future, so take some time to think about your plan and resources.  

 Pick your path

The  of furthering your studies and increasing your knowledge is not always a straight one. You will find that opportunities are most li by your previous schooling experience Having a Higher Certificate, a Diploma or a Bachelor's can open one door while closing another and vice-versa. Once you find an opportunity that is relevant, understandable, and affordable for you, take that step and apply.

 Put some work in

While school is a very important commitment, if you are not ready to take that path there are other ways to learn more about your dream job and gain experience. Internships and apprenticeships are offered to young professionals by organizations who are willing to share some experience and knowledge. With this option, you can learn skills that will be useful in your future career while adding references to your CV. 

 Helping others can help you

Volunteering is not an option many think about, but it allows you to gain experience while giving back to the community. Choosing to volunteer also means that you can gain diverse skills that may be outside of your chosen career. You will be exposing yourself to meaningful experiences by working with charitable organizations while showing your future bosses that you are a proactive member of society.  

If you want to know more about these options visit www.westerncape.gov.za