President Cyril Ramaphosa Engages Youth on the Issue of Opportunities

March 19, 2024

The National Youth Development Agency (NYDA) hosted President Cyril Ramaphosa in a Presidential Reflection on the PYEI and PES. Foreshowing the SONA, this presidential visit served as a platform for the president to engage with youth and youth-centred organisations, reflecting on some of the issues young people face regarding jobs and opportunity scarcity.

The day started with a youth opportunities fair, where young people could connect with opportunity providers and organisations focused on youth development. While high energy made up of music and insightful conversations filled the Belhar Sports Centre, the anticipated President’s arrival drew everybody to sit attentively for the discussion. The president talked about South Africa’s education system doing more than other countries, noting that many of our youth travel worldwide to learn different languages. Using these skills, they return to South Africa and uplift various economic sectors.

The dialogue aimed to allow youth to engage and ensure continuous improvement in the initiative and efforts to improve the state of youth development. The panel included the President of South Africa, Cyril Ramaphosa, Ashton Solomons, a former YeBoneer now mentor at YearBeyond, and the NYDA chairperson, Asanda Luwaca.

Ashton shared an inspiring story of how he became a mentor, taking us through his development at the YearBeyond programme.  Ashton called for opportunity providers to continue uplifting communities. After his lengthy job search, he was surprised to find his calling within his neighbourhood of Heideveld. "After [completing] school, I went for 21 interviews and failed 21 times... then I found YearBeyond on my doorstep and GCU. These organisations have changed my life. Imagine if every young person got the chance I got; that is why now I am a mentor for other youth”. Asanda emphasised that what we are looking for as the youth could be within our reach/communities and not necessarily in an office, as one would assume.

The floor was open to the youth to direct questions to the panel. One question focused on how young people can add value to South Africa using the arts, asking for more attention directed at art centres. Another was about young people and access to funds and resources for climate change awareness.

It was fruitful with organisations and beneficiary exhibitions and insights from the president's vision for the youth in the next upcoming years.