Keeping Lights on for a Brighter Future

November 1, 2023

Lights on After School is an annual international celebration observed on the last Thursday of October. The focus of this day is to recognise the vital role of after school programmes in supporting learners.

Creating spaces where learners can continue to develop their academic, technological, artistic, and athletic skills has consistently proven beneficial for the holistic development of children and young individuals. Additionally, these after school programmes make meaningful contributions to the community by offering safe environments for learners after formal school hours. Depending on the specific project, the activities held throughout the programme also promote community development.

The Youth and After School Programme Office, in collaboration with The Learning Trust, has been at the forefront of raising awareness about the significance of after school programmes in South Africa. Leading up to the occasion, events such as webinars have allowed participants and enthusiasts of after school programmes to come together, share their experiences, and discuss the impact of these programmes on learners and communities.

As is tradition every year, YearBeyond's partners and YeBoneers express their support through engaging activations that feature a wide range of activities, including arts, reading, chess, and sports, among others. At one of YearBeyond's Academic Programme sites, they had the honour of hosting the Department of Cultural Affairs and Sport’s Minister, Anroux Marais. YeBoneers from Masipumelele Primary School teamed up with MOD coaches to demonstrate a typical day filled with enriching after school activities. One of the afternoon's highlights was the basketball practice, during which the Minister actively participated and successfully made some shots at the basket.

These are not just after school programmes; they are developing our next generation of leaders, artists, and sports stars.

Let’s keep shining the #LightsOnAfterSchool.