Bridging the Gap: Industry Experts Guide YeBoneers through Practice Interviews

October 16, 2023

Throughout a YeBoneer’s participation in the programme, they engage in various events and activities designed to support their personal and professional growth.

As the year approaches the end, YeBoneers begin the Pathway and Progression curriculum. This part of the journey supports YeBoneers as they start thinking about furthering their career or continuing their studies. Practice interviews form a vital part of the YearBeyond calendar as it provides an opportunity for practical and engaged learning.

Pathway and Progression manager Amena Hayat further explains, “Practice interviews are a chance for YeBoneers to put into practice their work readiness skills and also their communication skills”.

By creating an interview environment, YeBoneers are expected to apply and interview for an example position based on real vacancies. Using knowledge gained from Future Fit sessions and support from JobStarter, YeBoneers create cover letters, CVs, and present themselves to the interviewers. Leaving the interview hall Scouts YeBoneer Jody Petersen shared, “As a very shy person it is hard for me to be forward ... I hope this experience will help me shape my future by making me more confident”. He also felt that the experience was very positive for him, finding that there were many lifelong skills to take away, “What I learned here today is how to answer interview questions in a way that the companies can be interested in me further… This experience showed me what I need to do to be a better person and future employee.”

Practice interviews would not be possible without collaboration and support. Supporters of the programme, members of the community, and industry experts volunteer their time providing feedback and advice to the YeBoneers during the interview process. “Many of our YeBoneers don’t have working professionals in their lives, and for many of them this is their first job interview [outside of the programme], and so this forms part of their development. The interviews give volunteers an opportunity to pay it forward and YeBoneers a real-life experience of what it is like to interview with a stranger” added Amena.

While this experience has proved to be beneficial to the YeBoneers, volunteers have also found themselves moved and leaving with their own lessons. Being at the sites has given many a chance to reflect on their own experience, and how they interact with young people in their companies and organisations. Interview volunteer Aminah de Kock from MERSK felt inspired after spending the morning with the YeBoneers, leaving the venue she felt a need to do more, “The work being done is necessary. Young people and industries need a bridge that transforms students into young professionals. This programme provides that bridge… Industries can receive well-prepared candidates... something needed even at a schooling level.”